Pfc. Vanessa Guillen bludgeoned to death on Army base, family attorney says

Fort Hood Pfc. Vanessa Guillen was bludgeoned to death with a hammer in the armory room where she worked, an attorney for Guillen’s family said on Thursday.

Guillen’s body was transported from the military installation by her killer, attorney Natalie Khawam told CNN, citing details the family learned during a meeting with Army investigators on Wednesday night.
The main suspect in disappearance was identified by officials on Thursday as Spc. Aaron David Robinson.
Khawam said the family told her that Guillen had planned to file a harassment complaint against Robinson the day after she was killed, and that they believe Robinson became enraged when she told him that.

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Atlanta police officer charged with murder in shooting death of Rayshard Brooks

An Atlanta police officer was charged on Wednesday with murder for the shooting death last week of Rayshard Brooks in a fast-food parking lot, while a fellow officer facing lesser charges has agreed to testify against his colleague.

The death of Brooks – the latest in a long line of unarmed African Americans whose fatal encounters with law enforcement have been documented on video – further heightened U.S. social tensions at a time of national soul-searching over police brutality and racism in the criminal justice system.

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Video of Floyd’s death offers clues into ex-Minneapolis officers’ possible defense, say legal experts

The video of George Floyd’s death offers clues into how three former Minneapolis police officers charged with aiding and abetting his murder could defend themselves, from saying they didn’t know excessive force was used to deferring to a senior officer, according to some legal experts.

A judge set bail of $1 million on Thursday for Tuo Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng. The three men were with Derek Chauvin, the officer charged with second-degree murder after being recorded by a bystander kneeling on the neck of the 46-year old here African American for nearly nine minutes during his May 25 arrest.

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Minnesota attorney general to lead prosecutions related to George Floyd

Minnesota’s state attorney general said on Sunday he will lead the prosecution of the case involving the killing of George Floyd, the unarmed African-American man who died after a policeman knelt on his neck as he groaned “I can’t breathe.”

“It is with a large degree of humility and a great seriousness, I accept for my office the responsibility for leadership on this critical case involving the killing of George Floyd,” Ellison said in a tweet.

“We are going to bring to bear all the resources necessary to achieve justice in this case.”

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‘We Must Restore Peace’: Minneapolis Burns During 2nd Night Of Protests Over George Floyd’s Death

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO/AP) — Sunrise in Minneapolis came with smoke and sirens Thursday as damage stretched for miles following the second night of violent protests over George Floyd’s death. In response to the wreckage, city leaders called for peace while acknowledging the anger and pain in the community after the death of a black man who was pinned under the knee of a police officer.

With tears in his eyes, Mayor Jacob Frey spoke to reporters late Thursday morning, announcing that there’ll be an all-out effort to restore peace and security in the coming days. Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said that faith and community leaders will be on the streets Thursday night to help keep the peace.

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